
Extreme anxiety

I Have been feeling extremely anxious lately. I’m supposed to be taking time off and resting but it still feels like there are millions of things I should be doing that I’m not managing. Everything overwhelms me. 

Going out; staying in. 

Writing a post; not writing a post.

Checking my email; ignoring it for more than an hour.

Even tiny things seem hugely important. I get very anxious about cleanliness. If a car come up behind me in the road I feel like screaming to everyone to save themselves. I jump at everything.

Night times are bad, but mealtimes are worse. Food makes me panic. 

Humour is the only way through it.

Anyone else feeling anxious or able to relate? Let me know.

25 thoughts on “Extreme anxiety

  1. I suffer from severe anxiety, as well. While depression and anxiety are different disorders, they are linked. It can help to remember that we aren’t being “graded” at life. It may take a great deal of effort for anxiety sufferers to move a grain of rice. That does not diminish the effort…or the courage required. ❤

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    1. You are right! It’s true anxiety and depression seem often to come together. Perhaps because being so anxious makes you feel there is no point in anything and then you get more anxious because you haven’t done enough/ are expecting something awful to happen all the time. Then you get more anxious… it’s a horrid cycle. I hope you have a manageable day ❤️

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  2. Anxiety can have a life of it’s own… there is usually nothing besides meds (Lorazapam) that helps me when I have strong anxiety. If it is more underlying anxiety deep breathing or meditation can sometimes help me. I feel like if I can just make things stop it will be better – the world spins by too fast during anxiety for me.

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      1. I take either the lorazapam or clonazapam every night to turn off my brain to sleep. The lorazapam I take as needed during the day. I am also on buspirone daily to maintain low anxiety.

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