
3 Things that often make mentally ill people anxious 

1. dirt etc.

This one has become especially bad for me since my eating disorder started. Any spilt food etc. totally freaks me, and it has extended to other things. I think if we are anxious about other things in life, the anxiety often spreads irrationally. I know ‘a bit of dirt doesn’t kill you’ but somehow the panic reaction occurs anyway.

2. Unexpected changes in our environment 

I want things, especially in my room, to be a certain way. That’s not to say I’m not open to change, but unexpected change in familiar ‘safe places’ can be hard to deal with. Anyone else experienced this, or is it just me?

3. Noises in the night

Sudden sounds in the nighttime can cause an immediate panic attack and trigger bad memories (not including burglars, but they often also cause irrational thoughts of danger to surface.)

I think what ties these things together is the unexpected. When we are already struggling so much with everyday life, or have in the past, small insignificant things can destabilise us completely.

What everyday things make you anxious?

16 thoughts on “3 Things that often make mentally ill people anxious 

  1. These are some great illustrations and your points are absolutely right. I hate changes both to my own environment and changes in general. I hate it when there’s a time change to something or if even a train is late as it’s a change from the norm and messes up my perfectly planned schedule of how things should be going. My own environment is definitely a big thing I can’t deal with changing unless I’m the one doing the changing,lol.
    I hadn’t thought about the night time worries as being part of anxiety but it’s definietely something I’ve always panicked about. The house where I live is full of strange noises and I’m always panicking about what made what noise. I’ve never imagined a burglar but have freaked out at the sounds.

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    1. Yes, I can only deal with change if I’m in full control too, and even then it can be difficult. Even just putting up a new shelf in my room is a challenge because of the change and I feel I have to think about it for ages and be totally sure etc. Noises can trigger anxiety reactions even if rationally I know it’s the heating or something like that…
      I’m so glad you like the illustrations 😊 xx

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  2. I adore this blog! It is as if you are speaking directly to me. I have a thing about open doors, I dont’ like them. I am 46 years old, and I cannot sleep with my light off. I have a weird thing about mayo, yes the sandwhich spread. I have so many weird things about myself, some because of PTSD some because of anxiety. I just learned recently that Depression can cause hallucinations. I never knew that. But. I have been told I will never be able to get of anti depressants due to my warped brain chemistry. It seems when a child is abused, many times they use up all the good chemicals in the brain, and can not make anymore. I have come close to being hospitalized but that is another weirdness.There are times I know I need to go inpatient, but I cannot allow myself, because ” only crazy people do that”. That statmen alone is full of self hatred and debasement because I am one of those people. But, believe it or not I am OKAY with these illnesses. I have had them for many years. I am not sure I would know how to be withouth them. I too get nervous in public. Grocery stores are the worst. I would get to the laundry soap isle and start screaming at my husband I have to leave. I dont’ know why that isle sets me off, but it does. Thank you for this awesome post. I cannot find the follow button, but I could be following you already. Either way, I love this blog you are so talented.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you like it. The follow button should be at the top I think… no clue 😂
      Do you find that the antidepressants help? I was also told/thought that mental health hospitals/treatment centres were for crazy people. I think that’s partly a misconception of society. Or maybe we’re all crazy…😛


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